Monday, October 19, 2009

Eyes and Teeth

well, today i went to the Dr.'s.
The Dentist
The Optometrist

I went to a new eye doctor. I guess i have become too old since i last went to the eye doctor because my old one is a pediatric doctor. Apparently they don't let 21 year old college students go there anymore.
Anyway, its a weird experience letting a complete stranger put things in and close to your eyes.

Funny story: One lady did all the eye tests, had me read the lines, and tell her which lens looked better (most of them looked the same). She puts the eye drops in my eyes and then says that the Doctor will be in to see me. That really confused me. I thought she was the eye doctor because i had no idea what this lady looked like.
But, the doc came in and told me that
I have 20-20 vision.

Then, i went to the dentist.
I hate the dentist.
I've had the same doc my whole life.
And i hate the dentist
The scraping and buzzing and the weird tastes accumulate into a horrible experience always. And then trying to answer the awkward small talk questions while he is poking around is always a frustrating thing. Do i answer and risk my tongue being punctured or do i ignore him and rub the doc the wrong way?
But, i have a cavity.
So, i guess i will floss more.
I hear it adds 7 years to your life.

It was a long day, but at least i can see and eat.