Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Here's a list of my guilty pleasures:

1. Any Taylor Swift song.
There's something soothing about a country acoustic guitar
And a teen girl singing about love
That she probably hasn't experienced
But communicates so well.

2. An overly bold cup of coffee
But with milk in it.
Bitterness and calcium is an awesome combination.

3. Reading about technology
I like reading about the newest gadgets.
So i can talk about them like i own them,
to people who actually own them.

4. Things that your expectations completely miss
Example: The Notebook.
Expectation: Really bad sappy chick flick.
Result: Really awesome sappy chick flick.

Example 2: The Chicago Cubs
Expectation: Win the World Series every year.
Result: Lose the World Series every year.

Example 3: Cooking Dinner
Expectation: When i throw a bunch of things in a pan,
it will be bad.
Result: What i call, "Spanish Pork." It is awesome.

5. Using phrases
Using them in instances that
completely revolutionize the way you use said phrases.
Example: Saying "Rest in peace" after a promotional period ends.

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