Monday, January 31, 2011

Life Update

This is a "State of Kyle" address if you will.
No real epiphanies.
No witty phrases.
No crafted literary devices.
Simply put. My Life:

I am working part time as a Youth Minister.
I am looking for a second job.
I am looking for a place to live.
I am looking for a reliable car.
And I am looking for good friends.
I do have an awesome girlfriend

Boom. My LIfe.
Simply Complex.
If you have a job to offer me,
A place for me to live,
A car for me to drive,
Or want to hang out and don't mind paying
Let me know.

On a side note, i have had extra time to read.
So maybe a more thought provoking post will appear in my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, I will be prayin' for ya! I need a job and having that need alone is starting to really stress me out, because it is taking much longer than I anticipated. I keep praying and telling myself that God will provide it in His time. I keep looking and applying. He will do the rest! You are an amazing young man and someone out there needs you! Keep searching.In the mean time go play in the snow, or offer up some shoveling services...LOL. Stay warm!
