Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Figuring it out

I haven't blogged since I got married.
(nearly 3 months)
I haven't really written since I got engaged.
(nearly 9 months)

I've learned a lot recently
life changes are abounding.

To not write would be vacant.
Not expressing would seem incomplete.

I'd like to share the biggest concept I'm experiencing.


Money is the biggest sticking point for American Marriages.
Debt, salary, spending.
So much to fight about.
Sonja and I are rather transparent with our finances.
We recently opened some accounts, closed some others,
And positioned ourselves for financial success.
Through the process, Sonja's debit cards were canceled (ha!)
Not on purpose,
One is in the mail. (calm down feminist)
Not having a debit card is frustrating.
Handing out cash gets old.
Our current position is less than ideal.


We have the world's smallest dishwasher.
4 plates wide.
It is a puzzle to maximize the capacity.
One that can be frustrating.
Even hurtful.
Constant rearranging is necessary.
I like it loaded a certain way, Sonja doesn't care.
It doesn't matter,
It's only a dishwasher.


Oftentimes for dinner, we make a large dish
(enchiladas, chicken pot pie, pasta)
to have leftovers for lunches throughout the week.
But I like the food we make.
And I eat a lot of it.
And then I eat out for lunch. (confession, sorry Sonja).
My self control has added 3-10 pounds to my frame.


I've learned a lot from daily experiences like these.
To be patient.
To be selfless.
To be self-controlled.

Fruit of the spirit kind of lessons.
Healthy marriage leans into God stuff like that.

I've really loved the things I'm being taught.
The last three months formed me into a better man.
I know I'm not done figuring out the whole husband role.
I'll experience plenty more frustrating, maddening moments.
I'll commit plenty more mind-blowing, moronic mistakes.
I'll be annoyed, selfish, and resentful.
And I'm sure those lessons will teach me well.

Because the biggest thing I've learned through all life's experiences
is not patience
is not sacrifice
is not self control.

It is to learn.

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