Monday, August 10, 2009

The World Hates Rain

It is raining cats and dogs right now.
Actually, its raining rain. But it is absolutely monsooning (new word). Rain is the best thing in the world. Not only does it make things green and pretty, but is also cleans everything, including my car windshield, which was splattered with bug guts until this afternoon. I love the rain because of its redemptive factors.

But sometimes rain gets a bad rap.
Ok, maybe this is understandable for a select few, although many rain involved incidences are induced by negligence.
But i don't understand how people get away with blaming depression on rain. Or why in movies bad things happen in the rain. Or why everyone stays inside when it is raining. It seems like the world is out to get rain. I'm willing to say that rain makes everything awesome. (probably not an accurate statement but don't bust my bubble).

I think there is a logical reason why everyone seems to hate rain, other than it gets things wet.
So, let's take a brief look at the history of rain:

The first recorded occurrence of rain is recorded in Genesis 7 (Noah and the Ark). This is how the story goes:
The world was indulged in sin. Everyone thought and did evil all the time. It was a horrible place, and God didn't receive the praise he was due. So he sent a rediculous rain storm, resulting in a flooded earth, demolishing all the evil that had developed, and making a clean slate for humanity.

And ever since then, it has been raining. That is the complete history of rain. So what's my logical reason why rain gets a bad rap? I am glad you asked.

The world hates rain because it loves sin.
Follow my logic:
1. The first time it rained, it destroyed evil.
2. The world loves evil (sex, drugs, and rock and roll).
3. Therefore, the world hates rain because it destroyed what it loves.

So when you say that you hate rain, you are really expressing your love of sin. (boom roasted).
Do you want to be a sin lover?
Then, you must be a rain-lover.
Now grab your umbrella and take out your trash.

1 comment:

  1. Why does everyone think that Genesis 7 was the first time it rained?

    Also, I love the rain. <3
