Monday, November 8, 2010

The Door

Today, I wanted to write a blog.
But i wasn't sure what i wanted to write about.
I thought about writing about Lost.
But, I haven't finished the series yet.
(I get disc 4 of season 6 tomorrow).
I thought about writing about November,
But, i tend to write about Seasons and Months a lot.

And so, i wasn't going to write a blog.
But, then something happened.
I had to go to the bathroom.
Yes, this happens on a daily basis
because i like to stay hydrated
by drinking water, soda, and coffee.
But, my bathroom experience tonight is worth noting.
The following is that story:

As my Monday routine necessitates,

I strayed across Seventh Street to Starbucks
from my empty apartment.
In the energetic environment brimming with bodies,

I found myself seated near the door, downing an Iced Coffee.
As i finished Act 1 of King Lear,
i noticed the capacity of the Coffee House.
Busier than most Mondays,
the Baristas brewed, steamed and poured at a frantic pace.
Meanwhile, i perused the pages of the Anthology eager to

embrace the words of Shakespeare.
People shifted in the small space
as those seated stared intently at their illuminated screens
I left my table baron of all but the book i was browsing
to make my way to the men's room.
I grasped the handle and gave it a gentle jerk
half expecting the door to be locked.
The handle turned, rotating the door.
To my surprise stood a man dressed in black.
Exposed at the sink, the man washed his hands.
I shrunk back as the door sprung shut with a slam.
Embarrassed and dazed, i decided to return to my table.
As i turned away, the door re-opened
And what emerged was the irresponsible occupant.
Avoiding eye contact, i walked past
and entered the space,
emphatically pushing the lock
in order to prevent a repeat of recent events.

Seriously, who doesn't lock the bathroom?
Yes, he was simply washing his hands.
But lock the bathroom door.
This could have been a scarring moment for both me and him.
So, if you are one who does not lock the bathroom door immediately on entry,
Start. Lock the bathroom door. For your sake and for mine.

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