Monday, December 6, 2010

A Change of Pace

As many of you know,
I recently lost my part time job (Rest in Peace).
No, i was not fired.

The restaurant closed. (Rest in Peace)
Thus, i am welcomed to the realm of "unemployment."
But not really unemployment
Because i still work at the church.

However, i have significantly more time.
So, here's how i spent my time this last week:

Monday: I counted a freezer bag full of change, totaling close to $60, mostly in pennies and nickels.
(Yes, this day did inspire the title and subject of this blog)
Tuesday: I watched not one, but two movies. And a TV Show.

One: Terms of Endearment, was kind of awful, but also kind of intriguing.
Two: When in Rome, was cute. No other word describes it.
Wednesday: I stayed busy because of church and my lack of responsibility the previous two days.
I didn't write my lesson the previous days because of my insane schedule.
So, i rushed through it before church.
Thursday: Honestly, i don't remember this day. That's probably sad.
At some point during this week i reworked my Resume, maybe that's what i did?
Friday: The weekend started. So, i did nothing.

And so, as you can see, the pace of my life has significantly changed.
But, the reality is that it will continually change.
Oftentimes, we count the quarters,
but dollars and sense (intentional) are found in the nickels and dimes.
The future exponentially accrues interest.
Life is only lived once,
And change takes residence in mason jars,

Overflowing it's environment.
So, I will continue to count the change.
Sorting, summing, and rolling,
Because my future looks different than scattered coins,
but is not seamless like a dollar bill.

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