Monday, December 20, 2010

"A" Post About Anticipation

A day in December 20th, 2010.
As in 12-20-10.
All even numbers.
And, there's a total lunar eclipse tonight.
About half of the world can view it.
All of a sudden "when the planets align" takes a new meaning.
At any moment you can join me in being creeped out.

Also only 5 work days
Away from Christmas.
Anticipation is building with wonder of what gifts lay idle beneath the tree.
Amazement, however, awaits after unwrapping gift boxes,
At what actually is contained by those bundled gifts.
Any way you wrap it, the holiday of giving is under way.

Another thing i am anticipating is my Vacation.
Average life will take a break from 12-29-10 -- 1-5-11.
Avoiding the Mormons, Utah awaits our arrival.
Aimed at a lot of fun, me and 3 of my closest friends will be
Abducted by skiing and a new environment.

Altogether, this adds up to some excitement over the next 2 weeks.
Attached are some pictures of what i will be doing in the next 9 days.


  1. one, we are not going to solitude. that place is for lame-o's.
    second, you said avoiding mormons. you realize we are going to utah....
    talk about your mission impossible.

  2. And the post has made me very jealous.
    Although the post itself was very good
    Always a good read Kyle.
