Thursday, April 7, 2011

Newton's Law

It has been 2 weeks since i flew to Phoenix.
I needed to see a good friend after the month that was March.
It was a great vacation.
I didn't do much (other than watch baseball and do church things).
But that's all I really wanted to do.
I simply wanted to experience the life my friend was living
And watch a spring training baseball game.
And so it happened.
And then it was over.

As quickly as it splashed into my life,
My excursion dissolved into the pool that is reality.

But one thing did occur to me on the plane ride there.
Despite the overly interested man questioning me about
My life in Joplin,
My passions, interests, and hobbies,
My history in Tulsa,
And everything else that could ease his nervousness of flying,
I spent some time thinking.
And here's what I thought about.

I officially graduate college May 21st.
Five years of late nights, coffee pots, and hours of classes
Conclude with a list of names read monotonously
As family members politely applaud for everyone that crosses the stage.

I have been done with classes for a few months now.
Unlike many of my classmates,
I've transitioned from the good times to the real life.
From idealism to pragmatism.
And what is apparent
Is the absoluteness of Newton's Law.
Direction continues without a force of change.
And so life persists as already established.
Set in motion for eternity until edited by the experiencer.
And what I came to grips with on that plane
Is that this is life.

Nothing is holding me back from being who i want to become.
I'm educated. I'm experienced. And there is nothing left to prepare me.
No more classes to attend.
No more years to count down.
No more hoops to jump through.
What's left is to simply live.
To live how I want.
And To live where i want.
Although I will continue to learn,
It's all up to me to direct my future.
Because Newton was right.
Nothing will change without a decisive force.
Even life.

1 comment:

  1. :) I really like this one Kyle and I'm excited to see how you navigate Newton's Law
