Sunday, September 13, 2009

Seemingly Pointless

This blog is simply because i told Sonja i was going to blog about it.
Please don't misunderstand this as a bash against Sonja, because it's not.
So, enjoy this ridiculousness and ignore the fact that Sonja is providing the action...

The other day, me and Sonja went to a wedding. Apparently, there are an abnormal amount of weddings to attend at Ozark because that is what people do when they get bored. Get married. Just kidding.
The wedding was a long time coming and it was great. (Congrats Lauren and Patrick).

But, anyway.
We were in route to our final destination (not the movie) when, while traveling, Sonja broke out the finger nail polish.
I had at least 2 issues with this:
1. It smells. And we were in a car. RULE: All scents should be avoided in an air tight automobile, including but not limited to the following: flatulence, perfume/Axe body spray, chopping onions, and finger nail polish.
2. It was raining outside. Therefore, rolling down the window (which isn't enjoyable at 75 mph anyway) was not
an option.
Now, I'm sure at that time i accumulated way more than 2 reasons why this was unacceptable behavior. However, that is unimportant to this story.

Oh, you thought my story was about Sonja putting finger nail polish on in the car? Ok, it kind of was, but it gets better. Next comes the part that i have the more serious problem with, because the stench eventually resided.

You see, Sonja did not just put any kind of finger nail polish on.
No, no, no. She used a very specific kind of polish.
Clear polish to be exact.
She painted her nails in a closed-off car.
with transparent polish.
Could this not wait? Was that clear coating crucial to the appearance of the outfit or something?

Am i the only one who thinks that is crazy?! Clear finger nail polish?! What's the point?

(And I'm not trying to be mean to Sonja, because her nails always look super nice.)

This is why i think that all products should be marketed to women.
Clear finger nail polish can be categorized alongside jewelry, flowers, and anything on sale--
--All things that make women happy but really serve no point in function and practicality.

Maybe i am unable to move across my male-oriented, pragmatic way of thinking to how a female functions and views the world. Either way, for the absurd amount of women that read my blog, clear finger nail polish is dumb.
Don't waste your money. Guys don't notice that your nails are glazed over.
If you want your nails to be shiny, put some glitter on them or something.
But don't buy clear finger nail polish.
Or if you can't escape the American trap of consumerism because you NEED that nail polish,
apply it in an open, breathable area where the stench gets lost with the pollen.


  1. Oh my gosh Kyle. Now I understand everything about the conversation at church that Sunday. Wow.

