Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Simple Joy

Habits are my favorite.
They often get a bad wrap because of the finger-nail biters, the thumb-suckers, the addicts, and the coaches.
However, for me to live a balanced life, i must be a person of habit. I discovered that in the last three weeks.

But I may take habits to an extreme. Let me explain: each of my days is planned out. until December.
Now there is some flexibility in my days in case a tragedy happens, or something comes up. But the day to day living is done. Planned. Expected. Routine. Some may say, boring, but i say prepared.
i LOVE habits.

And so, when my planning, when my habit, when my routine gets stirred up, i don't respond well. My entire life gets thrown off track because i rely on my habits (this is biblical, i think). This happened only 2 weeks into my school year rhythm when Columbia Traders decided to stay open late on Monday Nights to show Monday Night Football. You can imagine the ripple this caused in my life. I think this information corresponded with my (suspected) contraction of the swine flu (see earlier post). That's how poorly i deal with change. I got sick. physically. and literally.

And Mondays were the worst days to take away. I would have preferred any other day than Monday.
Mondays are/were my "personal" days. My "me-time." My be selfish so that you can give the rest of the week, day. Mondays usually consist of a great breakfast, crossing things off my to-do list, and a night cap of Starbucks doing some preferred reading and self-inspection. A take care of myself day.
When people ask to hang out on Mondays, i respond with busy-ness.
In reality, Mondays are about personal business.
To put it frankly, Mondays were the days i looked forward to.

But sadly, these activities were deferred by football. Upsetting, even though i like football.
(I like routines more than football? yes.)
And since my schedule shakeup, i have been nostalgic about my formerly Me-Mondays, remembering how they energized me for the week.

Which leads me to the title of this blog.

A Simple Joy.
I left early from work on Monday.
I didn't know what to do...
(because the extra time wasn't part of my new schedule),
so i did what i used to do...
I grabbed a book, headed to Starbucks, and did some self-inspection.

Isn't it funny how a simple Monday can prepare you for the week.
And how being sent home can be a good thing,
And how a routine can mean so much more:
I feel energized.
I feel healthy
I feel in rhythm.
This is going to be a good week.
I love routines.

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